Zombie Panic!
Our 1st Zombie Panic! Event
Quick installation guide
Step 1: Download Zombie Panic!
Note - 1
To access and play this mod, it's necessary to have Half-Life 1 installed through Steam. ( Link to Half-Life 1 on Steam below)
Step 2: Execute & install ( in Half-Life 1 )

Step 3: Restart Steam and then open it !
Note - 2
Make sure to install Zombie Panic! in the same folder as Half-Life 1, as indicated in red.

Note - 3
If you don't see Zombie Panic! in your Steam library, it's likely because you forgot to install Half-Life 1.
Otherwise, try uninstalling and reinstalling both games.
Zombie Panic!
Half-Life 1
The essential tip before playing
Adjust the game to be slightly less dark: Options -> Video -> Gamma

Note - 1
Exiting the red zone indicated on the left image can disrupt the game's immersion. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Before - Default gamma

After - New gamma

Zombie Panic!
This might be the last « active » server on Zombie Panic! (Half-Life 1 Mod) dedicated to delivering the ultimate GoldSrc zombie experience, exclusively during organized events on our Discord server.
Since this mod is a bit unstable, we are focusing on stabilizing it, fixing and adding good maps. And yes, we know having bots would be good.
You are welcome to contribute with us to help
What we got on the server
- currentmap ➜ Check the current map name
- ff ➜ Display friendly fire status
- listmaps ➜ Lists all maps in console
- nextmap ➜ Check what is the next map
- nominate <map_name> ➜ Nominate a map you wish to play
- nominations ➜ To see the list of nominated maps
- rtv ➜ Force a map vote
- thetime ➜ Displays current time
- timeleft ➜ Check the time left until the next map
- currentmap ➜ Check the current map name
- listmaps ➜ Lists all maps in console
- nextmap ➜ Check what is the next map
- nominate <map_name> ➜ Nominate a map you wish to play
- nominations ➜ To see the list of nominated maps
- rtv ➜ Force a map vote
- timeleft ➜ Check the time left until the next map
- ff ➜ display friendly fire status
- thetime ➜ displays current time
- zp_abandoned3
- zp_alpine
- zp_aquarium_beta2
- zp_arboretum
- zp_arena_b4
- zp_bankdoom
- zp_blackfriday
- zp_bridges_v2
- zp_china
- zp_clubzombo
- zp_contingency
- zp_crackhouse_final
- zp_crimetown
- zp_eastside
- zp_enterprise2
- zp_evildead
- zp_forgottenmotel
- zp_graveyard_final
- zp_grocerystore
- zp_gvirus_zero
- zp_haunted
- zp_highsociety
- zp_hotel_final
- zp_hszombies
- zp_hydrov2
- zp_industry
- zp_investigationremake
- zp_jungle
- zp_killhouse_final
- zp_mall_b5
- zp_manark
- zp_marslabs
- zp_museum
- zp_nation
- zp_night_town
- zp_office
- zp_oldkorso_b2
- zp_pandemic
- zp_paranoid
- zp_party
- zp_pipes_b1
- zp_polar
- zp_poolparty
- zp_quad17
- zp_quarantine
- zp_rain
- zp_raven
- zp_redfax
- zp_residentevil
- zp_rhs22
- zp_santeria
- zp_school_b1
- zp_sewage
- zp_sewers
- zp_slew_final
- zp_sonic
- zp_stronghold_b2
- zp_thelabs
- zp_theyard_beta2k
- zp_theyrhungry
- zp_tower_beta4
- zp_university2
- zp_town
- zp_unknown_b1
- zp_village53_b2
- zp_walmart_final
- zp_waste
- zp_westood
- zp_zna
- zpo_basement_b1
- zpo_contingency
- zpo_chickenrun_final
- zpo_darkslay
- zpo_nation_pt1
- zpo_quad17
ZP ( survival )
- zp_abandoned3
- zp_alpine
- zp_aquarium_beta2
- zp_arboretum
- zp_arena_b4 ❌
- zp_bankdoom
- zp_blackfriday ❌
- zp_bridges_v2 ❌
- zp_china ❌
- zp_clubzombo
- zp_contingency
- zp_crackhouse_final ❌
- zp_crimetown
- zp_eastside
- zp_enterprise2 ❌
- zp_evildead ❌
- zp_forgottenmotel ❌
- zp_graveyard_final
- zp_grocerystore
- zp_gvirus_zero ❌
- zp_haunted
- zp_highsociety
- zp_hotel_final
- zp_hszombies
- zp_hydrov2
- zp_industry
- zp_investigationremake ❌
- zp_jungle ❌
- zp_killhouse_final ❌
- zp_mall_b5
- zp_manark
- zp_marslabs ❌
- zp_museum
- zp_nation
- zp_night_town ❌
- zp_office ❌
- zp_oldkorso_b2 ❌
- zp_pandemic ❌
- zp_paranoid
- zp_party
- zp_pipes_b1
- zp_polar
- zp_poolparty ❌
- zp_quad17
- zp_quarantine ❌
- zp_rain ❌
- zp_raven ❌
- zp_redfax ❌
- zp_residentevil
- zp_rhs22
- zp_santeria
- zp_school_b1
- zp_sewage
- zp_sewers ❌
- zp_slew_final ❌
- zp_sonic ❌
- zp_stronghold_b2 ❌
- zp_thelabs
- zp_theyard_beta2k ❌
- zp_theyrhungry
- zp_tower_beta4
- zp_university2
- zp_town
- zp_unknown_b1
- zp_village53_b2
- zp_walmart_final
- zp_waste ❌
- zp_westwood ❌
- zp_zna
ZPO ( objective )
- zpo_basement_b1
- zpo_contingency
- zpo_chickenrun_final ❌
- zpo_darkslay ❌
- zpo_nation_pt1
- zpo_quad17